I'm fundraising to be able to keep Chaplaincy going at LCSS
Hi I'm Chappy Hannah!I currently work 2 days a week at the beautiful Lakes Creek State School which has just under 160 kids. Many of these kids come from a lower socio-economic background and need a help up in life in order for them to become the best versions of themselves they can be. This happens through programs such as breakfast club, Shine, interschool sport, our wellbeing programs and just general academic classroom support.
In order for these students of today to become the best adults of tomorrow that they can be, we need your help in keeping Chaplains like me in our schools.
At the moment there is currently just over a $5,000 difference between the NSCP funding and my current wage per year that needs to be made up in order for me to continue working the full 2 days a week I do. I would love to raise $15,000 though in order to extend my days to 3 so more kids can access the supports they need.
Through generous sponsorship this deficit can be made up! If you would like to sponsor my position here at Lakes Creek SS, that is so welcomed and your generous contribution is so appreciated.
Thank you for your support!
Chappy Hannah