I'm fundraising for Northview State School & Bucasia State School.
Hi Everyone I am Chappy Amy, I am the School Chaplain at both Northview State School & Bucasia State School.
I have been a chaplain since July 2021 and it has been an amazing and challenging journey this far. Chaplaincy is definitely something I ama passionate about and it gives me a platform to work with students to work toward a greater future.
Since starting I have ran various group programs, provided invidiual support for student, teachers and familes. I provide lunch time activities such as handball competitions (Which I lose at frequently), board games, soccer, or joining in what ever activity the kids have created to play. I also provide class support where I can work with students and teachers and build relationships within the classroom.
At Northview State School I facillate a weekly breakfast club which provides toast and fruit for a number or the students. I also help organise our pre-prep transition mornings for term 3 & 4, the kids enjoy making craft, engaging in the school environment and making friends.
At Bucasia school I have recently started a bike maintenance club which teaches kids new skills, and teamwork while we repair old bikes. I also run a just dance program for the junior school aged kids, this keeps kids active and entails lots of fun for the students.
Since becoming a chaplain I have grown professionally and personally. My passion for working with kids and within the school community is stronger than ever. Without the support of the community we as chaplains across Australia and the Mackay region would not be able to provide support and programs to our schools and students so from the bottom of my heart, I thank you. Your support goes along way in discovering life for our young people.
My Updates

Wednesday 23rd Nov Thank you guys who have donated. Every little bit helps. I would love it if you could please share that would be a blessing in itself.Stay tuned for updates and new projects as we enter the silly season.
Blessings to you all.
Great work Amy