Alan George

SU Coast to Coast Chaplaincy Challenge 25

My Activity Tracking


My target 30 kms

I'm fundraising for...

SU Australia in Tasmania and the ministries for  children, young people and families! 

What is the Coast-to-Coast Challenge all about? Why is everyone running, cycling, walking, and swimming like crazy?  

Because we all want to children and young people to have hope for the future – by running more ministries like camps and missions, having more chaplains in supporting kids at schools, running the upcoming Children and Families Festival on Easter Saturday,  running more breakfast clubs, more afternoon programs, more leadership programs.

How can you help? Encourage others to help and sponsor me to raise funds for SU!

My Updates

Latrobe to Ulverstone

Sunday 16th Mar
Yesterday I had a great ride from Latrobe to Ulverstone using the new pathways installed by local councils over the past few years. Some of the paths I've never cycled before and would love to do it again. A great day out raising funds for SU!

Thank you to my Sponsors


Kevin Montgomery


Matthew Brooks-lloyd


Jean & Bert George

Fund-raiser, Bert & Jean George


Matt George

Go well




Alan Higgins

Keep Cycling

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