Toby Marhin

SU Coast to Coast Chaplaincy Challenge

My Activity Tracking


My target 50 kms

I'm fundraising for...

I'm aiming to walk or cycle this week as part of the Coast to Coast challenge, supporting SU School chaplaincy initiatives in Tasmania. A place that's a little far from home yes, but a cause that is so worth supporting. Young people in Australia need hope, and chappys have it in spades. Please consider sponsoring me as I walk #suaustralia #suchaplaincy

My Updates


Sunday 26th May
Mission accomplished! (Well, technically 61). Now laying back under the stars having some hammock-therapy.

Thanks to all whom sponsored me. Only $74 off my goal.

30kms, can it be done?

Tuesday 21st May

Thank you to my Sponsors


Heidi Marhin

Go well team!!


Steph Marhin

Best of luck xx


Ben And Terrena

Go you good thing


Toby Marhin

Go chubber, go!!!


Sharon Gavan

Go Tobeee!!




Sally Gravener


Joel Tann

Yeah the boys

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