Stephanie Sebastian

SU Coast to Coast Chaplaincy Challenge 25

My Activity Tracking


My target 47 kms

I'm fundraising for children in need of hope, food, belonging, fun, love and care

Many of the kids we work with are in need of simple but vital stuff such as breakfast, friendships, confidence, hope, belonging, respect, fun, care and love and your donations will help me and SU to continue our work in the community.
Within the SU Coast-to-Coast Challenge, I am setting out to run 46.6km in the week between the 9th and the 16th of March and you can cheer me on by donating a dollar, $5, $10, $?? towards each km I will run. Your support of me will help us continue to organise, create, and run programs for young people and children such as camps, breakfast clubs, holiday clubs, school chaplaincy, beach missions, and emerging leader development training.

My Updates

Thank you!

Sunday 16th Mar
What turbulent 8 days the Coast-to-Coast Challenge 2025 has been! Thank you for cheering us all on and we are so grateful that you have helped us help kids who need support, friendship, positive role models, belonging to feel respected, loved and cared for and develop self confidence aim and purpose for their lives.
Snork and I added another 10km today and 
I am left wondering who will smash the donations leaderboard in the end?
Thank you for your generosity, your heart for children and young people, and putting up with my constant posts.

Great Teamwork

Saturday 15th Mar
Only one more day to go - and another 11km run done! Currently, with 68km I am 3rd on the leaderboard raising funds for children and teenager in Tasmania who need attention, respect, opportunities and support to develop to their full potential. You can help, too, by making a donation small or big or becoming one of the team and help out at an afternoon program, a camp, holiday program, or beach mission!
But first things first, we need financial support to make all this happen - ONE MORE DAY TO CHEER US ON, thank you!

Beyond the goal

Friday 14th Mar
Another 9km done, up to 57km now and smashed my initial goal of 47km. How many will it be in the end? Currently, that's rang 3 on the leaderboard on the quest to support kids who really need it. Tassie Puss is up to 304km at an age of 88 riding his bike and my colleague Dan has run 118km already - wow! Guys, you are an inspiration. But Snork and I will keep trying.

We got wet - 11km in the rain

Wednesday 12th Mar
Why am I running? I am trying to raise funds to enable SU to run all sort of  camps, breakfast clubs, young leaders' development programs, holiday programs, afternoon programs, and school chaplaincy. I know that SU's work with children, young people and their families sometimes literally turns lives around - with lasting effect. I have seen that happen, many times. Will you support me support the work of SU? I am up to 33km now. How many do you guess I will manage?

Monday Thunderstorm Run

Tuesday 11th Mar
Sunday was a short warm up walk and the running started yesterday. But what a day that was! The public holiday started with an early morning phone call from my son letting me know that my mum got stuck in a Belgium hospital with an unexpected problem, then we had a blocked pipe causing the front yard to be flooded and, then, when I finally set out to do the run a thunderstorm started - and I ended up running through the rain. But: Towards the end of it there was this beautiful rainbow in the sky. What a lovely reminder!

Why am I fundraising? Reason 2

Thursday 6th Mar

From indignation to India

Annaliese has always been a very determined young person. Being strong minded, she often found managing school and relationships challenging and we first met when she was in grade 4 or 5 at SUPA Camp North. Annaliese was able to come this camp because generous people like you made this possible for her and her school chaplain encouraged her and a group of other kids from school to join in.

Soon after, another SU volunteer, Brian, had it on his heart to bring Annaliese’s whole family along to Family Camp North. While we as the team felt, “Oh, that’s a bit of a challenge to organize funding for mum and five children”, God stepped in, and they came. Thank you, Brian! I just spoke with Annaliese a couple of days ago and when I asked her, thinking back how she found her very first Family Camp North, she exclaimed: “That was honestly the best thing we ever did as a family.”

Years went on, mum got baptized and these days can’t wait for the next camp to volunteer as cook on. In the meantime, Annaliese sailed through school, fists sometimes flew, and now as a young adult she can laugh about impulsive natures.

The amazing change though just happened in January this year, and where else but at Family Camp North 2025? Annaliese joined the team as a leader and worked with some of the teenagers. One young girl seemed to seek Annaliese out to confide in her and share her story, her battles, fears, and worries. Annaliese could hardly believe that anyone would have confidence and trust in her or look up to her like that! She knew that it was the Holy Spirit working through her because initially she felt, “Who am I that anyone should seek advice from me? What do I have to give or offer?” This internal dilemma caused her to start a vivid conversation with God and Annanliese has found the dear friend who is there for her always.

Just having finished school and initially not exactly knowing where to from here, she has now a fairly good idea what’s next: Going on a mission trip to India. She is working and saving up for this to learn about what it might be like for Christians in adverse environments and what we can practically do to share Christ’s love with others less fortunate than us. Then she has got an eye on a job interstate, and she would like to be Baptist next month!

Supporting camps and chaplaincy years ago helped Annaliese to grow into the inspirational young women she is today. Can you help the next generation to still have an opportunity to attend camps, afternoon programs, and holiday clubs and benefit from the support of school chaplains? 

Why am I fundraising? Reason 1

Tuesday 4th Mar

Because I personally know that the work of SU makes a huge difference in our community

Coast-to Coast Challenge 2025

9th to 16th of March, anywhere on this globe

Raising funds for Children in Need of: A Future - meet Jess

SU provides school chaplaincy services in Tasmanian government schools, and we also run many camps, holiday clubs, and weekly afternoon programs for those kids and families who often find themselves living on the fringe. I personally had my first encounter with SU 16 years ago as a camper and this changed my life – but that’s another story.

Since this first camp many years ago, I have attended many camps as a leader and now I have the privilege to introduce you to a young lady. Jess, and admittedly this is not her real name, had her first encounter with SU at the age of 9 and in Grade 3 when she was in a group with her school chaplain Silja. Jess is the oldest of five siblings and comes from a family that was doing it tough and has been faced with many challenges and adverse socio-economic circumstances. In grade 4, Silja encouraged Jess to come along to SUPA Camp and with the support of the School Chaplaincy Committee and the encouragement of the principal, Jess embarked on her first SU camping adventure as a young 10-year-old!

From then on, chaplains changed, Sonya became Jess' chaplain and Jess was never without a school chaplain looking after her. Once old enough for camp, her younger siblings also attended camps and through the SUPA Camp volunteers connections grew.

One Friday afternoon two of the siblings rocked up by themselves at the church’s Kids Club hoping that someone there could help fix their bicycles. Bikes fixed, a yummy afternoon tea and a good time at church was the start of a long-lasting relationship. SU started playing Kids Games in a park and at one of the school’s gyms and of course, Jess, often mum and some of her younger brothers and sisters were there.

Jess moved on from primary school to high school; she attended the SU Taking on Goliath Camp and SUPA & Beyond instead of SUPA Camp. School and life, however, became difficult and Jess stopped school in year 10 after falling pregnant. Things were not easy and sadly, she even experienced a short spell of homelessness with her baby. While I was sad because I mistakenly thought we had lost contact, it was good and reassuring to find out that some SU key people and especially those at Family Church were instrumental in helping her through this tough time!

Jess is now living independently and studying to become a nurse.

Her story is amazing and the support that Silja, Sonya, the SU volunteers at Jess’ very first SUPA Camp, and our ability to organize camps, afternoon programs and provide chaplains in schools is only possible through your support.

How can you support me? Just click on and you can make a donation or sign up yourself and run, walk, swim, or cycle and encourage others to sponsor you.

Thank you to my Sponsors


Helen Boughton

Go Snork


Susan Gillman


Stephanie Sebastian

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