Tour de Chaplain Hervey Bay 2023

Saturday 22nd July 2023

Despite government funding for the local school chaplaincy positions, additional school supported and community funding is required to make up wages, resourcing and the associated support infrastructure.

What is the Tour de Chaplain?

The Tour de Chaplain is a cycling sponsorship fundraising event hosted by the Hervey Bay Chaplaincy Committee for almost anyone who can ride a bike.

The Tour de Chaplain involves having people sponsor your chosen bike ride around either:

1-3 loops of the selected 33+ kilometre road course for adult riders and students from years 10 and above by nominating your distance goal as either 33, 66 or 100km.

The road-ride starts from Urangan SHS beginning on Saturday July 22, at 6am for those riding 100km; 66km riders should start at either 7 or 8am and 33km riders starting at either 8 or 9 am. Follow vehicles will be utilised with all starting groups.
Riders should assemble at the starting point for a bicycle safety inspection and briefing 15 minutes prior to their starting time.

A refreshment station will be available for all riding participants at Urangan State High School with a complementary sausage sizzle being available for riders as they complete their event. Otherwise, public facilities around the course may be used if and as required.

Please remember that the Tour de Chaplain is a participation event rather than a timed race and no road closures will be in place; this means that all riders will be required to comply with all road rules and any directions given by marshals and/or authorised officers who may be located at key positions around the courses.

Raised so far


Our goal


Raised so far



3,473 kms


About this Event

The Tour de Chaplain is a cycling sponsorship fundraising event hosted by the Hervey Bay Chaplaincy Committee for almost anyone who can ride a bike.

The Tour de Chaplain involves having people sponsor your chosen bike ride around either:
1-3 loops of the selected 33+ kilometre road course for adult riders and students from years 10 and above by nominating your distance goal as either 33, 66 or 100km.

The road-ride starts from Urangan SHS beginning on Saturday July 22, at 6am for those riding 100km; 66km riders should start at either 7 or 8am and 33km riders starting at either 8 or 9 am. Follow vehicles will be utilised with all starting groups. Riders should assemble at the starting point for a bicycle safety inspection and briefing 15 minutes prior to their starting time. A refreshment station will be available for all riding participants at Urangan State High School with a complementary sausage sizzle being available for riders as they complete their event. Otherwise, public facilities around the course may be used if and as required.

Please remember that the Tour de Chaplain is a participation event rather than a timed race and no road closures will be in place; this means that all riders will be required to comply with all road rules and any directions given by marshals and/or authorised officers who may be located at key positions around the courses.

Fundraising Targets:

Organisers are hoping that adult riders will each attract at least $100 in sponsorship or make a similar donation of their own. There are no minimum fundraising targets for school students however they must have parental permission to take part and any in years 7-9 at school must be accompanied by a supervising adult rider.


Riders should be fit and well prepared because this can be a large undertaking. It is your responsibility to ensure that your bike is in good working order. Riders should use either a street-legal road or mountain bike since BMXs or small bikes are not suitable for long distance road riding.
On the ride you should bring:
♦ Some energy food – carbohydrate rich bars/gels or sugar rich lollies.
♦ Water bottle which can be carried on your bike to maintain a high fluid intake.
♦ Helmet that meets Aust Standards for bicycles

♦ Bright coloured clothes should be worn

Back up: On the ride there will be a number of back up vehicles with warning lights and trailers to pick up riders who experience problems along the way.

Saturday 22 July 2023



Download the Ride Map for this Ride

Frequently Asked Questions

What do i need to bring on the ride?

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♦ Some energy food – carbohydrate rich bars/gels or sugar rich lollies. light Morning tea 100km course at Torbanlea SS.
♦ Water bottle which can be carried on your bike to maintain a high fluid intake.
♦ Helmet that meets Aust Standards for bicycles
♦ Bright coloured clothes should be worn

What time should i arrive on the day 

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The event occurs on Saturday July 23rd commencing from 6-00am, however all riders are expected to assemble for briefing by 15 minutes prior to the start. The Tour de Chaplain is a participation event rather than a timed race and no road closures will be in place; this means that all riders will be required to comply with all road rules and any directions given by marshals and/or authorised officers.

How much do i need to raise to ride

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A minimum of $100 in sponsorship or a nomination fee is expected of Adult riders but this fee is waived for school students.

Where can i get a copy of the ride

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  • David Wilfred Murray just donated $52.75
  • Anonymous just donated $105.50
  • Judith Shaw just donated $210
  • Cameron Challens just donated $100
  • David & Sharon Kirk just donated $105.50
  • Judith Shaw just donated $140
  • Camilla Davis just donated $105.50
  • Sam Saraber just donated $26.38
  • Rachel Hansen just donated $52.75
  • Val and David Peaker just donated $52.75
  • Stan just donated $52.75
  • Erin just donated $26.38
  • Jennifer Grimshaw just donated $52.75
  • David Murray just donated $105.50
  • Semebotse Taola just donated $52.75
  • Semebotse Taola just donated $105.50
  • Lorraine just donated $211
  • C & J Ganter just donated $25
  • Judith Shaw just donated $383.80
  • Denise BLOXSOM just donated $52.75