Rebecca Franco

Cycle for Hope 2025

My Activity Tracking


My target 86 kms

I'm fundraising for...

Mareeba State High School Chaplaincy Service. I believe strongly in the value of chaplaincy in a school. Us Chaplains are a confidential listening ear and provide social and emotional support to students, teachers and staff in any way that is needed. It can even come in the simple form of a smile and a 'how 're you going?' in order to brighten someone's day. 

My Updates

My journey

Thursday 13th Feb

Every year when I go down to the Rotaract park at Mareeba, I see the Cycle for Hope cyclists pull in and I see the camaraderie and the sense of belonging that they have together and it makes me grateful that they are cycling to support a cause which is Chaplaincy and which I know is such such a valuable service. Every year I’m also kind of a little bit envious of the sense of belonging that I can feel and I have thought one day I would really like to ride in this event although the distance was a little bit prohibitive. So when they introduced the shorter distance, I thought well why not have a go? Years ago I trained to do a full marathon and I was able to do it so the distance that I’ll be doing is double that marathon on a bicycle. How hard could it be right? So that’s why I thought well I’m gonna have a go this year. I also have a desire to get fit and this is a good goal to work towards for that particular desire so we’ll see how I go. I have been blown away by the support already. I have had offers of bicycles to use to train on as well I’m so grateful and thankful for the generosity and then also for the people that have generously donated already. I’m blown away and so grateful so watch this space? I’m gonna be training not too hard but enough to make sure that I’m not suffering through the event which my chaplain trainer has suggested as an important thing and I just want to honor God in all of this too. He’s the one riding with me in this journey of Chaplaincy and also riding with me as I cycle along and get prepared for this event so thank you everyone I’ll put some more posts up sometime soon. 

Thank you to my Sponsors


Mike And Jen Keith

Thanks for all you do for the students and families as a School Chaplain.


John & Ana Finlayson

Good on ya Bec! All the best and good luck. Kept fighting the good fight.


Learne Awee

You’re always such an inspiration Rebecca! I’m so proud of you and cheering you on every step of the way!


Tracey O'donovan

Such important work! Keep it up Bec!


Samantha Stevens

I love you precious. I am so proud of you. You are awesome!


Mark Riddell

You are doing such a great job Bec & making an incredible difference in the lives of young people.



Go for it hun! You got this with G!



All the best Bec


Kerryn Pocklington

Love this! You are perfect for this role!

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