Go the distance in just 3 steps
Ride date = June 1st 2024
Registrations opening soon.
2024 Goals – 50 Riders – $30,000
Join the Movement!
Embark on a journey of impact with every pedal. Sign up for the charity ride and be a beacon of hope for SU Australia Chaplains. Your ride can change lives. Register now and ride for a cause!
Spread the Word!
Your voice has power! Share our charity ride with friends and family. The more riders we have, the bigger the difference we make for SU Australia Chaplains. Let's get loud for a good cause. Share this event and help us reach every corner!
Fuel the Mission!
Every dollar you raise fuels the vital work of SU Australia Chaplains. Start your fundraising campaign and watch as your efforts provide support and guidance where it's needed most. Raise funds, raise spirits, raise hope. Start fundraising today!
What is Chaplaincy?
SU Australia chaplains, provide spiritual and emotional support to school communities. They are in the prevention and support business: helping students find a better way to deal with issues ranging from family breakdown and loneliness, to drug abuse, depression and anxiety. They provide a listening ear and a caring presence for children and young people in crisis, and those who just need a friend. They also provide support for staff and parents in school communities.
Standard Registration
Registration + Transport
- Trinity Welling just donated $158.25
- Chelsea Foody just donated $26.38
- Matt & Kirrily just donated $316.50
- Christopher Rizzato just donated $52.75
- Vinne Casado just donated $79.13
- Lillian just donated $26.38
- Madhava and Yamuna just donated $52.75
- Peggy Fein just donated $26.38
- Amber just donated $25
- Jeremy and Anita Greening just donated $52.75
- Paul and Vicki Tarbuck just donated $158.25
- Christopher just donated $243
- Letricia just donated $105.50
- Anonymous just donated $26.38
- Anonymous just donated $26.38
- Sally Lancuba just donated $26.38
- Hayley Hermann just donated $100
- Dan Leister just donated $44
- Margaret Taylor just donated $100
- John and Carrol Paech just donated $10.55