Fundraise for a great cause

We are once again participating in a major fundraiser for our school’s Chaplaincy Service. Our Chaplaincy Service operates on a combination of community raised funds and the Australian Federal Government’s National Student Wellbeing Program Grant. Last year, our school Walkathon and Cross Country raised over $13,000 to support our

School Chaplaincy Service, which is a fantastic effort! This year we would love to match the same as last year’s

$8,142 raised

$15,000 Goal

$8,142 raised

$15,000 Goal


We are once again participating in a major fundraiser for our school’s Chaplaincy Service. Our Chaplaincy Service operates on a combination of community raised funds and the Australian Federal Government’s National Student

Wellbeing Program Grant. Last year, our school Walkathon and Cross Country raised over $13,000 to support our School Chaplaincy Service, which is a fantastic effort! This year we would love to match the same as last year’s fundraising efforts.


Cross Country 11th March years 4- 6

Walkathon 27th March Prep – 3.

We ask for your assistance, by seeking donations in the form of sponsorship for your child to complete the Cross Country and Walkathon. Sponsorship is voluntary and may be as simple as a $2, $4, $5 or $10 donation per sponsor. This is an opportunity for your child to be healthy, active and raise funds that assist our community, while competing in this school event.

You can ask your relatives, family, friends or even a next-door neighbour to sponsor your child.

We do not recommend children seeking donations door to door.

This year we are able to provide an online fundraising platform for donations through SU Australia whom is our employing body.


Most money raised by students in each year level

Years 4-6: Bike

Most money raised by students in each year level

Prep-Yr3: Scooter

Raise $10

If you raise $10 or more,
you receive a handball!

Raise the most as a Class

Highest fundraising class wins a pizza party with Chappy


Sausage sizzle on the day for everyone who participates.

Class Leaderboards