Tour de Chaplain (Gladstone) 2024

$5,233 raised

$10,000 Goal

$5,233 raised

$10,000 Goal

  • Ps Mal just donated $105.50
  • Laili & Boyd Long. just donated $50
  • Tanya just donated $26.38
  • Anonymous just donated $52.75
  • Em Paton just donated $26.38
  • Murray just donated $26.38
  • Oliver Mann just donated $26.38
  • Tanya just donated $20
  • Kim O just donated $25
  • Michael and Erin just donated $105.50
  • Anne-Marie Johnson just donated $31.65
  • Milayna Mann just donated $30
  • Sarah just donated $52.75
  • Sammy Mann just donated $52.75
  • A Fellow Old Guy just donated $263.75
  • Lauren just donated $26.38
  • Philip & Claire Mann just donated $100
  • Ken Watson just donated $105.50
  • Jessica just donated $211
  • Ian just donated $15.82

About this Event

The 2024 Tour de Chaplain is a family friend bike ride which riders ride at their own pace
through the picturesque Boyne Valley Rail Trail. This ride is a round trip from Golembil to
Barrimoon and return, a total of 20km, through pretty lookouts and historic rail tunnels. It is
well supported with first aiders, drink and snack stops, a BBQ lunch and trophy
presentations at the end.  

Riders of all ages are invited to participate including families; please note riders must be a
minimum 10 y/o to ride the course.

Whats it all for?

This is our major annual event which brings financial support as well as
awareness for the school chaplaincy program.  School chaplains are in the prevention and
support business; helping students find a better way to deal with issues ranging from family
breakdown and loneliness to drug abuse, stress and anxiety.

They provide a listening ear and a caring presence for kids in crisis and those who just need a friend; bringing hope to
the next generation. This is done in a variety of ways such as facilitating team-building
programs, camps, brekky clubs, class lessons on resilience and social skills, positive role
modelling and caring conversations.

Thank you for your participation and financial support in helping us to continue meeting
vital needs in our school community through this inspirational ride.


Registration Options:

Adult Registrations

Date: 10 Aug 2024
Cost: $100 

Family Registration

Date: 10 Aug 2024
Cost: $220

The Ride Details

The ride is a round trip from Golembil to Barrimoon and return, a total of 20km, through pretty lookouts and historic rail tunnels. It is well supported with first aiders, drink and snack stops, a BBQ lunch and trophy presentations at the end. 


Thank you to our Donors

Raabe Family

Thank you for all that you do - the support and care you have shown to our girls and all of the families at Graceville is so appreciated!!

1d ago

Tania Heard

1d ago

Tania Heard

1d ago

Ps Mal

1d ago

Great Aunty

Well done Finn!

2d ago

The Maurers

3d ago


Dance like no one is watching buddy

3d ago

Mavis Hillis

Good luck & have fun! G-Nana

4d ago

Mavis Hillis

Good luck & have fun! Love G-Nana

4d ago

Aaron Calder

Stay blessed young lady

4d ago